Gathering facts failing

Hi All.

I have a list of hosts that I am trying to check connectivity and ensure that ansible tower can connect to it with the defined credential, so we are checking 2 things here.

Connectivity to ensure that the host is online.
Ensure that ansible can connect with the defined credentials.

The issue I am having now is that the fact gatherng process does get stuck, to get around this issue I specified the gather_timeout of 30 seconds, this has not made any effect. If the timeout is completely removed, there is no effect also. The issue is that the failure to gather facts leads to a complete halt/stop of the playbook, what i ideally want is that if the gthering of facts fails for a host, break out and move on to the next host.

The error is as follows.

fatal: [servername]: UNREACHABLE ! => {“changed”: false, msg": “ntlm: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘servername’,port=5985) Max retries exceeded with url: /wsman (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x75c590cb9a50<: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errorno -2] Name of service not known’,))”, “unreachable”:true}

My playbook is as follows.