Issue Type:
Bug Report
Ansible Version:
OSX 10.8.5
Fact gathering fails when cloud module deletes server and roles play is called with a when conditional.
Steps To Reproduce:
Assuming utilization of a cloud module such as ‘rax’, you can set the count to 0 to remove the servers and then call out to roles, as such:
- name: Build an exact count of cloud servers with incremented names
hosts: local
gather_facts: False
- name: Server build requests
module: rax
credentials: ~/.raxpub
flavor: performance1-1
image: ubuntu-1204-lts-precise-pangolin
state: present
count: 0
exact_count: yes
group: webservers
wait: yes
register: rax
- name: Setup nginx
user: root
hosts: webservers
operation: "{{ wsoperation }}"
- { role: nginx, when: operation == 'create' }
Expected Results:
It would expected that the when clause should trigger prior/during the gather facts call thus adhering to the conditional and passing tests.
I call this a bug because I assume no operations should happen for a play unless the conditional is met, this includes fact gathering.
Besides having a separate playbook with duplicated server logic, which defeats the purpose of this modules benefits, I do not see a proper work around.
Actual Results:
Gather facts is triggered before the when operation is analyzed causing failure.
fatal: [webser-backend01] => SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection
This was closed as ‘not a bug’, anyone have suggested work around?