it’s super easy to hit those limits - even the example in the docs Full Name <email> (url) @nicks:irc/ is very close at 51 characters (vs 64), just imagine someone with a more complicated name than “Full Name” shows up
Please reconsider limiting those fields, especially at such low lengths.
I am not sure on the reasoning for this but IMO, this feels arbitrarily enforced especially since given the example, near one author could reach this limit.
I understand the others or at least can see reasoning but personally, I am not sure this should be this low. I think their should be hard a cap (working in python has made realize, even if it might seem out of reach, always set a limit) but I do believe that it should be something that is near impossible to hit.
@allhart@chynasan what do you all think about potentially changing this in one of the next releases?
I don’t see any issues with raising the limit for at least author and license by a fair amount, but I wonder if there’s any historical reason for these values being so limited.
I’m guessing namespace and collection name (aka NAME) shouldn’t change due to other dependencies in pulp/galaxy_NG, and tag at 64 char seems like a reasonable amount IMO.
Maybe raising LICENSE to 64/128 char and AUTHOR to 256 char would give enough leeway? We can always go higher if needed, as long as there’s not something in galaxy_NG that will break if we raise it too much.
Whatever we do or don’t do, I agree with @evgeni - this should be documented somewhere on docs.ansible.
For the authors field, currently the limit is noticed when there is a database error in AH, and this is displayed to the user: {'authors': {1: [ErrorDetail(string='Ensure this field has no more than 64 characters.', code='max_length')]}} Loading...
Is this a still valid consideration that AH has 64 chars limit?
I see that pulp_ansible still has the limitations with max_length for several fields. So it seems that fixing galaxy-importer alone will not solve the problem.