
Can anybody explain what this error means and why i can’t run anything in ansible:

mb-dmarti:tasks dmarti$ ansible -i sudo_hosts sudo_site.yml --list-hosts
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/ansible/ansible/bin/ansible”, line 224, in
(options, args) = cli.parse()
File “/opt/ansible/ansible/bin/ansible”, line 73, in parse
if ( or options.su_user or options.ask_su_pass) and
AttributeError: Values instance has no attribute ‘su’

How did you install ansible and what version are you using?

I came across something similar in version 1.5 and found the following in /usr/local/bin/ansible:

if options.su_user or options.ask_su_pass: = True

As the default for su_user is roolt, the above is always valid and gets always set to True. Even if I do not want to use su. Maybe that’s the explanation for the problem described above?