I would appreciate if Ansible development team support FreeBSD jails in system modules (cron, user, group, service). The idea is to add a parameter ‘wrapper’ exec command where necessary - jexec or just chroot, the second parameter will be ‘rootdir’ to specify the root path to jail.
Example of service module:
service: name=nginx state=started rootdir={{ rootdir }} wrapper=‘{{ wrapper }}’
Ansible user would write “wrapper” himself. Example of “wrapper”:
-- coding: utf-8 --
import sys,os,subprocess,re
len(sys.argv) > 2 or sys.exit(‘Number of arguments must be > 2’)
jname = sys.argv[1]
exestr = ‘’
jid = 0
ret = -1
exestr = ’ '.join(sys.argv[2:])
def runProcess(exe):
p = subprocess.Popen(exe, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
retcode = p.wait()
if retcode: sys.exit(ret)
return p.stdout.readlines()
for line in runProcess(‘jls’):
line = line.strip()
if re.match(‘JID’, line): continue
m = line.split()
if m[2] == jname:
jid = m[0]
if jid > 0:
status = os.system(‘echo '’ + exestr + ‘' | jexec ’ + jid + ’ sh’)
ret = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
if ret is None: ret = 0
I wrote forks of these system modules (cron, user, group, service), but I would like not to patch ansible when version is up. So I could push my pieces of code to Ansible git and someone will merge it.