so since 4 days I am pulling out my hair while taking this a step further (and actually doing something useful with the output).
The relevant part of my playbook is:
- name: Set a fact for the existing PostgreSQL databases
postgresql_dbs_existing: "{{ pg_info.databases.keys() }}"
- name: debug 'postgresql_dbs_existing'
msg: "{{ postgresql_dbs_existing }}"
I my concrete case (stdout_callback: yaml), I am getting this:
[gwagner@rd1985 ad_hoc_playbooks]$ play pg_get_info.yml -l '*rd5792*'
PLAY [get postgres infos] *******************************************************************************************
TASK [get postgres infos] *******************************************************************************************
ok: [dvzsn-rd5792.local]
TASK [Set a fact for the existing PostgreSQL databases] *************************************************************
ok: [dvzsn-rd5792.local]
TASK [debug 'postgresql_dbs_existing'] ******************************************************************************
ok: [dvzsn-rd5792.local] =>
- postgres
- template1
- prodmin_coo_store_001
- prodmin_im_coo_store_001
- test_db
My goal actually is to execute subsequent tasks on all databases expect postgres, template0, template1.
So I need to use the list (it’s a list, right?) I am getting for postgresql_dbs_existing and apply some filtering to it.
The way I am trying to use is a when: clause.
- name: list db names with loop
msg: "{{ db_name }}"
loop: "{{ postgresql_dbs_existing }}"
loop_var: db_name
where: "'postgres' not in 'db_name'"
ERROR! conflicting action statements: ansible.builtin.debug, where
The error appears to be in '/home/gwagner/repos/ad_hoc_playbooks/pg_get_info.yml': line 30, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: list db names with loop
^ here
The error you pasted above is caused by the typo, where rather than when.
Also the in test is a check for an item in a list not a test for the value of a variable, so in the example you provided you would want to test for a negative string match:
- name: list db names with loop
var: db_name
loop: "{{ postgresql_dbs_existing }}"
loop_var: db_name
when: db_name != "postgres"
You can use debug_type to check the type of the variable:
- name: list db name types with loop
ansible.ansible debug_type.debug:
msg: >-
db_name is a variable with the type:
{{ db_name | ansible.builtin.type_debug }}
loop: "{{ postgresql_dbs_existing }}"
loop_var: db_name
However I’d omit the names earlier with the set_fact so a when is not needed on the loop, something like this:
- name: Set a fact for the existing PostgreSQL databases
postgresql_dbs_existing: >-
pg_info.databases.keys() |
reject('regex', '^postgres$') |
regect('regex', '^template[0|1]$')
Rather than skipping the ones you don’t want in the loop.