Feature Request: Grouping Templates in AWX for Better Visual Organization


I would like to propose a feature that could improve the visual organization of templates within AWX. Often, there is a set of templates that are related in some way, making it helpful to group them together in views or categories. Implementing a collapsible dropdown or filter that allows users to organize templates into groups would enhance usability, especially when managing a large number of templates.

This change would be mainly visual, without adding any new functionalities to the existing template system. Its purpose is to simplify template management, providing a clearer and more intuitive interface for users.

Thank you for considering this request, and I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards


I Asked multiple time to AWX team and I don’t receive any answer yet.

Also basket to implementare tree view in template/jobs view on ansible UI repo:

Nobody answer me.

It will be a cool features also using tags or something similar, considering that framework behind ansible UI support already folder view.

We try to push it also via this forum!!!

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