anybody know what would cause this error?
Can you provide the task where you are using that module?
Without seeing your task and taking a look at the docs and some playbooks where I use this, wait_for_customization is not a parameter for customization hence the error.
community.vmware.vmware_guest module
Here is an example of a task that I use :
- name: Clone a virtual machine from a windows template and customize
hostname: '{{ TGT_VCENTER_HOSTNAME }}'
username: '{{ priv_user }}'
password: '{{ priv_user_password }}'
validate_certs: true
state: powered-on
folder: '{{ TGT_VCENTER_FOLDER }}'
template: '{{ TEMPLATE_NAME }}'
datastore: '{{ TGT_VCENTER_DATASTORE }}'
datacenter: '{{ TGT_VCENTER_DATACENTER }}'
name: '{{ TGT_HOSTNAME }}'
cluster: '{{ TGT_VCENTER_CLUSTER }}'
- name: '{{ TGT_NETWORK_NAME }}'
ip: '{{ TGT_IP }}'
netmask: '{{ TGT_NETMASK }}'
gateway: '{{ TGT_GATEWAY }}'
connected: true
start_connected: true
wait_for_ip_address: true
wait_for_ip_address_timeout: 600
wait_for_customization: true
wait_for_customization_timeout: 300
domain: '{{ TGT_DOMAIN }}'
domainadmin: '{{ priv_user }}'
domainadminpassword: '{{ priv_user_password }}'
joindomain: '{{ TGT_DOMAIN }}'
hostname: '{{ TGT_HOSTNAME }}'
existing_vm: true
- '{{ TGT_DOMAIN }}'
delegate_to: localhost
register: build_task
Sad thing is… I know nothing about this stuff. The person that set this up has retired and we got this from support which was no help.
All this task does is create a new windows 2019 server and joins it to the domain and whatever small tasks included with that.
Well if you would like to provide the playbook or task here we can take a look and give some feedback.
Ultimately you will need to start doing some reading/testing on Ansible if you are going to be using / supporting it There is a Documentation link under Community Links which will be helpful. There are tons of resources out there to get you started.
Its really not that hard to get started using it, you just need to start playing around and experimenting with it.
This email sent from outside the District of Saanich. Use caution if message is unexpected or sender is not known to you.
Vince6G;!!OmjNhHcnjQ!F8wbcpbvmkIe0Pp5ffwMG_mT__NSWHRyYkRC61Ct-dJx7zPCxAiIaFeiXiayzJVWsPO9fxHr9Qffky98zd9ERdTPIgoDBT-JpNBf4XM$ Vince
April 30
Can you provide the task where you are using that module?
(Attachment playbook.docx is missing)
doesn’t want me to have embedded emails??? and i can’t send attachments.
Adding that second line "community.vmware.vmware_guest. just created a whole whack of errors. I tried that yesterday.
Try just copying the text of the playbook into the post directly and add three backtick/grave accent before and after the playbook to turn it into a code block.
name: Create a new Virtual Server from a template
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
# variables in the next 2 sections will be used in tasks and e-mails
# the next 3 lines will be text for the note field in vCenter for the new server
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
myvmnotefield: "Ansible - VM Created from template {{ myvmtemplate }} .
test .
Creation Date: April 23, 2024 "
myservername: "dt-test" # requested new SERVER Hostname
myserverip: "x.x.x.x" # new SERVER IP and STATS
mydatastore: "AX1-DS4" # suggested datastore for new VM (Simplivity Backup policy enabled)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mynetadapter: "dvVM Network" # win or dmz adapter
mynetmask: " x.x.x.x "
mygateway: " x.x.x.x "
mydnsserv1: " x.x.x.x "
mydnsserv2: " x.x.x.x "
mydnsserv3: "x.x.x.x"
mywindomain: "xxxxx"
mydmzdomain: "xxxxxx"
myansibleuser: "xxxxxx" # Domain User put in ./administrator group to run windows patch plays
mydomainadmin: "xxxxx" # Domain admin account used to join VM to AD, see Customization section for password
myvcenteradmin: "xxxxxxxr" # vCenter Administrator Role
myvcenterhost: "xxxxxxxx" # xxxxxx1 vcenter_ip x.x.x.x
myvmdatacenter: "xxxxxx" # DataCenter
myvmcluster: "xxxxxx" # x Cluster
myvmtemplate: "TMPL_W2019" # Template, not the Content Library OVA
myvmfolder: "Servers/FileServers" # vcenter folder to place new VM
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: Save the VM create date in a variable.
set_fact: creationdate="{{ lookup('pipe','date "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"') }}"
- name: Clone VM from template, config NIC, Join Domain
hostname: "{{ myvcenterhost }}" # vcenter_ip to host new VM
username: "{{ myvcenteradmin }}" # vcenter_username with admin to create VM's
password: !vault |
validate_certs: No
datacenter: "{{ myvmdatacenter }}"
cluster: "{{ myvmcluster }}"
datastore: "{{ mydatastore }}"
name: "{{ myservername }}" # new VM's display name in vCenter
annotation: "{{ myvmnotefield }} {{ creationdate }}" # vCenter VM Note field comments
template: "{{ myvmtemplate }}"
folder: "{{ myvmfolder }}" # location to store new VM
state: poweredon
wait_for_ip_address: yes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "{{ mynetadapter }}"
ip: "{{ myserverip }}" # nev VM's Static Network defined
netmask: "{{ mynetmask }}"
gateway: "{{ mygateway }}"
- "{{ mydnsserv1 }}"
- "{{ mydnsserv2 }}"
- "{{ mydnsserv3 }}"
type: static
start_connected: yes
wait_for_ip_address: yes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
timezone: 004 # VMware docs Pacific Standard
fullname: # VM localhost Administrator
password: !vault |
- powershell.exe Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "SVC_ansible_local"
- powershell.exe Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "OpsAdmin"
- powershell.exe Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False
- powershell.exe $adapters=(gwmi win32_networkadapterconfiguration );
Foreach ($adapter in $adapters) { Write-Host $adapter;
$adapter.settcpipnetbios(1) }
- powershell.exe write-host "`n";write-host "`n";write-host "`n";
$ask4VMDesc=Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter a few words that describe what this server does ';
$myVMDesc=Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem;
# the previous 4 Powershell statements add SVC_ansible_local & OpsAdmin
# to local administrators group on the New VM
# turn off the domain, public, and private firewalls
# turn on Enable NetBios over TCP/IP on the NIC in the WINS settings
# ask the 1st tk_loginuser to provide a description of this server for
# the System Properties destription field.
- "{{ mywindomain }}"
- "{{ mydmzdomain }}"
hostname: "{{ myservername }}" # during customization this is the Windows Hostname
joindomain: "{{ mywindomain }}"
domainadmin: "{{ mydomainadmin }}" # see the Vars: section for the Domain_Admin
domainadminpassword: !vault |
wait_for_customization: yes
To me it looks like your wait parameters need to be at the same indentation level as say networks and customization. See how items under customization are 2 spaces in , those are valid for customization. The wait parameters is not. Look at the example I provided earlier and see what level of indentation those parameters are listed. The order is not as important but the level of indentation is.
Look at the docs for the module:
If you look at say customization you can only have those items that are listed for that indented under it. Same for networks etc.
You will need to review YAML syntax as well or you will have a world of problems:
YAML Syntax
Hopefully I was able to explain it well enough to get you going. Try moving those items and let us know how it goes , good luck!