Failed to lock apt fgor exclusive operation

I am trying to install httpd on a ubuntu server

but keep getting this error

any idea?

Obvious question, but have you checked whether any other process happens to be
running apt at the same time (eg: a cron job checking for available updates)?


I think its something to do with the become method
when i do it like this it works

using command

ansible-playbook httpd.yml --ask-vault-pass

I want to skip the password prompt but when i use




how do I not have to enter my vault password?

How do I not have to enter my vault password?

I can only get this playbook to work with
ansible-playbook httpd.yml --ask-vault-pass
and entering my vault password
When I run the playbook with

I get
[WARNING]: Error in vault password file loading (default): A vault password
must be specified to decrypt data
ERROR! A vault password must be specified to decrypt data

"--vault-password-file" should work. Is it the leading double dash missing
which causes the problem?

See "Providing Vault Passwords"

For example, export the environment variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE

  > cat ~/.vault_pass
  my secret vault password
  > export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault_pass

  > cat vault.yml
  test_var: my decrypted test variable
  > ansible-vault encrypt vault.yml
  Encryption successful
  > cat vault.yml

  > cat playbook.yml
  - hosts: localhost
      - vault.yml
      - debug:
          var: test_var
  > ansible-playbook playbook.yml
  ok: [localhost] =>
    test_var: my decrypted test variable

The same decryption shall also work with "--vault-password-file". Let's unset
the environment variable first

  > set | grep ANSIBLE
  > ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass
  ok: [localhost] =>
    test_var: my decrypted test variable

Last option is to configure the path to the file with the vault password in
the configuration file. See "vault_password_file"

