I am working with a project on a new ubuntu installation. On osx I can use ansible-vault correctly, but on ubuntu I always get
(ansible-2.8) ansible❯ ansible-vault -v --vault-password-file=~/.ansible/vault-password view inventory/aws/ops/group_vars/all/vault_ops.yml Using /home/bkaplan/si/ops/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file ERROR! Decryption failed (no vault secrets were found that could decrypt) on inventory/aws/ops/group_vars/all/vault_ops.yml for inventory/aws/ops/group_vars/all/vault_ops.yml
The password file is identical to osx, same for the config.cfg (it’s from git).
The password has umask of 0600
~/.ansible❯ ll total 12K drwx------ 2 bkaplan bkaplan 4.0K Jul 8 16:22 cp drwx------ 2 bkaplan bkaplan 4.0K Aug 1 15:35 tmp -rw------- 1 bkaplan bkaplan 25 Jun 17 14:05 vault-password
Same version of ansible on both systems, 2.8.2
Both the password file and the file being decrypted are ascii
~/.ansible❯ file vault-password
vault-password: ASCII text
(ansible-2.8) ansible❯ file inventory/aws/ops/group_vars/all/vault_ops.yml
inventory/aws/ops/group_vars/all/vault_ops.yml: ASCII text
I have searched and searched, this is not an uncommon error. But I have not found any clues as the problem I am having.
Any help would be appreciated.