Facing problem while using Ansible for Open edX installation.

I am trying to install ironwood.master using native installation method by following this link: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/a/pages/146440579/Native+Open+edX+Ubuntu+16.04+64+bit+Installation

For step 5 in above link tutorial, when I run following command, Ansible is used for installation & configuration purpose.

wget https:``/``/``raw.githubusercontent.com``/``edx``/``configuration``/``$OPENEDX_RELEASE``/``util``/``install``/``native.sh ``-``O ``- | bash

On my EC2 server, I am able to proceed and complete TASK [nginx : Install the nginx package] :

But it failed! for another server which has same environment and resources for e.g. ubuntu 16.04, 4GB RAM, …

Looking forward to help!


This isn't an issue with ansible itself, but rather with the specific
ansible code provided on
Please refer to that website for help.

Regardless of where you ask for help, you will receive better response
if you paste the errors/output as text, instead of attached graphics.


Thank you Mr. Dick for reply.