Extract value from json result


i have a problem with using the ansible json-filter.

from an api-request i get a json response with a token.

‘{{ response[“json”] | to_json }}’
results in:
{“name”: “ltmetric”, “key”: “eyJrIj…”}


How can i extract the key-value with the json filter and save it to a file? The solution must be really easy, but i didn’t manage to solve it and tried out several versions of code…

Right now i use echo and jq on shell to get the key, but i think that’s not the best practice :slight_smile:


This might be way off base, but isn’t the key just “{{ response.key }}” ?

Regards, K.

Not really,
you get an response object with the key “json”

So something like:
‘{{ response[“json”] | to_json }}.key’
but this doesn’t work…

from_json ... to_json converts data into a string.