Ansible Json filter

Hello All,

I have a situation where i am trying to remove key: value from json output. but i am not getting expected result. Please help me what I am doing wrong here?

 "get_ec2_id.instances[0].tags": {
    "Name": "test-db-system-2",
    "aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "DBInstance",
    "aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/test-db-system-2/0115v0a0-5d44-17e8-a024-503ama4a5qd1",
    "aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "test-db-system-2",
    "dbsystem:stack": "test-db-system-2",
    "dbsystem:type": "db"

I am trying to remove the all “aws:cloudformation” tags using below filter:

"{{ get_ec2_id.instances[0].tags | reject('search','aws:') }}"

I am getting the below result:

ok: [] => {
"instances_tags": [

but I am expected below result :

 "instances_tags": [
    "dbsystem:stack": "test-db-system-2",
    "dbsystem:type": "db"
    "Name" : "test-db-system-2",

Help me to solve the issue.