External PSQL connection issue from awx-web pod running on K8's cluster

Im trying to setup AWX on k8’s cluster. The K8’s cluster consist of 1 master and 1 worker node. My External PSQL server is reachable from both master and worker node via port 5432. All these servers are present on same VLAN. In the configuration of psql, validated the pg_hba file and the connection is allowed from both the servers.

In the awx-web pod log, i see error related to database connection.

I can confirm, that the username and password is valid.

To narrow down the error, i logged into the awx-web pod and tried to connect to db using the psql command:

psql -U awx -h host_ip -d awx

i didnt receive the prompt to enter the password. Infact it looked like it didn’t proceed to next.

If any further information is required, i can share it.