Expected Release Date for 2.6.2

Hello Everyone -

what is the expected release date for next build of ansible? i am running it from the source right now due to to breaking changes in win_reboot (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/42294) which have been fixed now but not yet released.


My guess would be about the end of the week. According to the 2.6 release notice maintenance here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/ansible-project/ansible$202.6$20release|sort:date/ansible-project/jW5skchDAlg/HEafA8KgBwAJ
releases will occur approximately every 2 weeks, and 2.6.1. was released 6th July (it says here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/ansible-project/ansible$202.6$20release|sort:date/ansible-project/Z0wISvbwZgw/mi7WY6ExCAAJ) , so the end of this week looks likely.
