expected <block end>, but found '-'

I’m following this post, https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-provision-docker-containers-ansible/index.html, and Listing 11


You seem to be missing tasks: in your first play. As such YAML wasn’t expecting you to start a list there.

So the original authors Listing 11 is wrong?

I didn’t go look at the authors page. Based on what you provided, the first play is missing tasks:

I ran into this error earlier today and i found the easiest way to fix problems like these and other indentation problem in yaml config file.#

check out www.yamllint.com#

How it works# Open the URL and copy your yaml configuration file into the blank page and paste (of course, you can tweak your sensitive information so you don’t leak them). What this does is, fix the indentations issues and point out the exact location and by how much space you need to adjust.#

To read more indepth documentations about Yaml Lint, click https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/en/stable