Syntax Error while loading YAML.

Hi All,

I have written a YAML to install Nginx on my AWS Slave server. But every time i got below error while running my playbook. I googled to resolve this issue, but unable to do so. Can you guys help me in sorting what i am doing wrong here. I am using Ubuntu 16 and my YAML is,

- hosts: AWS_Slave
- name: nginx
apt_key: url= state=present

- name: nginx | Adding sources.list deb url for nginx
lineinfile: dest=/etc/apt/sources.list line=“deb xenial nginx”

- name: nginx | Updating apt cache
update_cache: yes

- name: nginx | Installing nginx
pkg: nginx
state: latest

- name: nginx | Starting nginx
name: nginx
state: started

Hi All,

I have written a YAML to install Nginx on my AWS Slave server. But every
time i got below error while running my playbook. I googled to resolve this
issue, but unable to do so. Can you guys help me in sorting what i am doing
wrong here. I am using Ubuntu 16 and my YAML is,

In YAML indentation is very important, and you need to be consistent in the indentation.

- hosts: AWS_Slave
        - name: nginx
        apt_key: url= state=present

        - name: nginx | Adding sources.list deb url for nginx
        lineinfile: dest=/etc/apt/sources.list line="deb xenial nginx"

        - name: nginx | Updating apt cache
                update_cache: yes

        - name: nginx | Installing nginx
                pkg: nginx
                state: latest

        - name: nginx | Starting nginx
                name: nginx
                state: started

Here is an example with indentation that should work.

- hosts: AWS_Slave
     - name: nginx
       apt_key: url= state=present

     - name: nginx | Adding sources.list deb url for nginx
       lineinfile: dest=/etc/apt/sources.list line="deb xenial nginx"

     - name: nginx | Updating apt cache
         update_cache: yes

     - name: nginx | Installing nginx
         pkg: nginx
         state: latest

     - name: nginx | Starting nginx
         name: nginx
         state: started

In YAML indentation is very important, and you need to be consistent
in the indentation.

Also, all indentation should be space characters, not tabs.

(If you've got tabs in your playbook, could Ansible catch that and
identify the problem more clearly than it currently does?)

                                      -Josh (

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