Execute SQL in Oracle with tables that contain the "$" character in the name

Hello experts,

I’m testing a playbook and I intend to make a SQL query on an Oracle database.
If the query contains the character “$” or is protected “$”, I need them to be treated as protected “$”.
I’m using the regex_replace filter but I’m having difficulty.
It would be something like:

Start code

See if this helps. It uses a regex negative lookbehind, only inserting a backslash in front of the dollar sign if there isn’t already one there. You’ll need to adapt it to your use case a little bit.

# escape-dollar.yml
- name: Escape dollar signs
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    dollar_string: |
      A. Thi$ line contain$ une$caped dollar $igns.
      B. Thi\$ line contain\$ e\$caped dollar \$igns.
    - name: Exec SQL
        cmd: |
          printf "%s\n" '{{ dollar_string }}'
          printf "%s\n" '{{ dollar_string | regex_replace('(?<!\)(\$)', '\') }}'
      register: cdb_out

    - name: Output
        msg: "{{ cdb_out.stdout_lines }}"

## TASK [Output] ***************************************
## ok: [localhost] => 
##   msg:
##   - A. Thi$ line contain$ une$caped dollar $igns.
##   - B. Thi\$ line contain\$ e\$caped dollar \$igns.
##   - ''
##   - A. Thi\$ line contain\$ une\$caped dollar \$igns.
##   - B. Thi\$ line contain\$ e\$caped dollar \$igns.

Worked perfectly! Thanks Todd.