Event Driven with ansible

Hello All,

just thought of checking, is ansible capable of doing EDI ( event-driven )?

I search some article on the internet and I found some saying its possible and some saying it’s not, kind of confusing :(.

If possible, can you please guide me some article which talks more about it.


ansible itself does not have an event handler, but it is easy to
execute from one, bet it Tower/Awx, cron, incron, etc.

Wow… that’s great, can you share me some documentation or use case on the event-driven with Ansible.

I use ansible AWX for web UI.

I'm not sure what you want, that is a very generic ask, everything
from a AWX/Tower callback url to an flagf ile in the filesystem for
incron to trigger.

I even have an example of using an email filter to trigger Ansible
depending on email subject
< from very old presentation

Ah, that’s not what I am look for. What I am trying to achieve is based on Nagios event ansible to execute pre defined playbooks for remidiating the errors

Just the way event handler works in Nagios or similar to reactor in salstack.

Just set a play as an event handler script, use a shebang and make the
file executable, the same slide deck contains an example on how to do