ESXi upgrade ansible

Hi Experts,

I would like to do esxi upgrade through Ansible playbook same ways of VUM.

Can some one help me how to do this .
I’m very new to ansible


You've asked the same question 7 times over the last few weeks,
without any response.
This could be an indication that you didn't provide enough context.
A question that comes to mind is why you'd want to use Ansible for
doing the same thing as VUM.
You said you already run VCenter, and VSphere Update Manager has been
part of that since a few years.
So you should already be able to use the vendor provided tool
specifically designed for this job.
Hence doing everything from scratch using a (for this job) alien tool
like Ansible sounds like wheel reinvention and a ton of work.
Plus it'd still be unsupported by VMware.

Can you can shed some light on the rationale of this?

