So I’m running into an error that is related to a role, but I dont think it’s the roll directly. It seems to error out when trying to set a variable from the ‘ansible_os_family’ fact. I am running this through a jump host using the ‘proxyJump’ ssh_config setting. I’m on ansible v4, but the same thing happens with 3.4 as well. I can run the play book if I comment out the role, and running ad-hoc commands works just fine. When I runt -m setup
, the ‘ansible_os_family’ comes back with the expected data. The error posted below states that the issue seems to be in reading from the proxy, I’d assume jump host, but I’m not sure if this is an order operations problem or something else.
FAILED! => {“msg”: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘│ Reading from proxy failed - read (115: Operation now in progress) [IP: <> 3142]
ansible_os_family’ is undefined