kuwa@ubuntu:/etc/ansible$ ansible all -i hosts -u dokuwa1 --ask-pass -m yum -a “name=httpd state=present” --become-user=root --ask-become-pass
SSH password:
SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]: | FAILED! => {
“changed”: false,
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “python2 bindings for rpm are needed for this module. python2 yum module is needed for this module”
I’ve hit this problem too, ever find a solution?
you need to use yum to install the python libraries
please do a rpm -qa | grep python if you are using red hat
Hi Daley,
rpm -qa | grep python
just gives the installed packages with python in the name. Any idea which is missing to fix this error? python2 yum module is installed.
Many thanks