Hi everyone,
I am already running multiple tasks using raw on my windows remote. The patch that is mentioned in previouse posts (KB2842230) is already installed.
When I am running my playbook, I am getting the following error:
Code hier eingeben...<> WINRM RESULT <Response code 0, out "UploadFile.ps1 is ca", err "#< CLIXML <Objs Ver"> fatal: [] => Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 586, in _executor exec_rc = self._executor_internal(host, new_stdin) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 789, in _executor_internal return self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port, complex_args=complex_args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 1036, in _executor_internal_inner result = handler.run(conn, tmp, module_name, module_args, inject, complex_args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/action_plugins/raw.py", line 47, in run become=self.runner.become) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/__init__.py", line 1174, in _low_level_exec_command in_data=in_data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/runner/connection_plugins/winrm.py", line 165, in exec_command return (result.status_code, '', result.std_out.encode('utf-8'), result.std_err.encode('utf-8')) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 240: ordinal not in range(128)
Can anyone tell me how I can get the full error mentioned in the WINRM RESULT ("err “#< CLIXML <Objs Ver”).
Here is my current setup:
The playbook:
- name: Upload a file to the ftp-Server.
hosts: builder
- name: upload
raw: d:\PowershellScripts\UploadFile.ps1
My powershell script:
#we specify the directory where all files that we want to upload
$RemoteFile = “”
$Username = “user”
$Password = “pass”
Create FTP Rquest Object
$FTPRequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create(“$RemoteFile”)
$FTPRequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]$FTPRequest
$FTPRequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile
$FTPRequest.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password)
$FTPRequest.UseBinary = $true
$FTPRequest.UsePassive = $true
Read the File for Upload
$FileContent = gc -en byte $LocalFile
$FTPRequest.ContentLength = $FileContent.Length
Get Stream Request by bytes
$Run = $FTPRequest.GetRequestStream()
$Run.Write($FileContent, 0, $FileContent.Length)
Kind regards