Recently we have upgraded the AAP version from 2.4 to 2.5 (we are using PaaS) instance.
After upgraded we tried to create a new Execution Environment for windows platform and push to hub portal, then created a new EE and tested it on 1 windows server, It is saying below error in AAP.
Not any help but we have the exact same issue. after we got upgraded also on PaaS in Azure.
We have an incident reported to Red Hat. But no resolution yet.
For us it only happens when the platform is under heavy load.
with low load everything works fine.
We haven’t had that specific issue after upgrade (AAP on Azure customer as well) but are you using the newer “platform…” URL for your EE or are you still using “hub…”? From my understanding, “hub…” should still function but I’ve had some issues with our EE rebuild process that needed to have the URLs updated to get working.
I’m assuming from the screenshot that you’re running this from the AAP AKS cluster (instance group “default”). A couple things to try while you wait for RH:
Do project syncs work ok? These are generally done from the “default” instance group and would show if AAP can at least start containers on the AKS cluster.
Does the “Default execution environment” work if you use a playbook that has a local debug msg (example below)? This EE is usually pulled from and is more of an evolution of the first test to include running a playbook.
If you have a remote execution node (REN), are you able to run the debug playbook from the second test using the new EE you have in hub? This would confirm Hub and the associated credential are functioning as expected.
Debug playbook example
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: Test Debug
msg: "woot woot"
I’ve had to do some creative troubleshooting methods in the past since we don’t have a great deal of access to the Azure resources. Curious on what the resolution is.