ec2 module, encrypted: true doesn't create EBS volume with encryption enabled

Here is my role

  • name: Launch instance
    region: ‘{{ region }}’
    zone: ‘{{ zone }}’
    keypair: ‘{{ keypair }}’
    group: ‘{{ security_group }}’
    image: ‘{{ image }}’
    instance_type: ‘{{ instance_type | default(“t2.micro”) }}’
    instance_profile_name: ‘{{ instance_profile_name | default(omit) }}’
    count: ‘{{ instance_count | default(1) }}’
    vpc_subnet_id: ‘{{vpc_subnet_id | default(omit)}}’
    instance_tags: ‘{“Name”:“{{tag_name}}”,“customer”:“{{tag_customer}}”,“project”:“{{tag_project}}”,“roleis”:“{{tag_role}}”,“environment”:“{{env}}”,“node”:“{{tag_node}}”}’
    wait: yes
    device_name: /dev/sdb
    device_type: gp2
    volume_size: “{{volume_size}}”
    delete_on_termination: false
    encrypted: true
    monitoring: no
    register: ec2

Use with_items to add each instances public IP to a new hostgroup for use in the next play.

  • name: Add new instances to host group
    name: ‘{{item.public_dns_name}}’
    groups: launch
    with_items: ec2.instances

  • name: Wait for SSH to be available
    host: ‘{{item.public_dns_name}}’
    port: 22
    delay: 60
    timeout: 480
    state: started
    with_items: ec2.instances

This isn’t working for some reason
ansible 2.0.0 (devel de52cfb5d7)

Disk encryption is not supported on a t2.micro instance. You need to use a supported instance size and then it should work. Did the instance creation fail? My guess is it should, but perhaps that depends on what AWS/boto sends back.


Surprisingly, even with m3.large, which is a supported instance type for EBS encryption , Volume (100GB) is not being created with encryption enabled.

Checked the code in that came along with my ansible version, As it turns out this version ansible 2.0.0 (devel de52cfb5d7) doesn’t have the with encryption support