Here’s a rather basic and unfinished script which might be of use to you too.
By the way inventory plugins are a thing now, might be worth while making into a inventory plugin rather than a simple inventory script
#!/usr/bin/env python
-- coding: utf-8 --
Example dynamic inventory script which queries active directory.
Likely to need modification for each environment as there are likely
to be different versions of active directory in use needing different
connection parameters.
To use, create a configuration file in users’s home dir
called .ansible_inventory.cfg
must contain a [domain] section
and then settings for the following values
connect_to_dc_with_ssl (either True or False)
import class and constants
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, NTLM, Tls
import json
import ssl
import pprint
import re
import ConfigParser, os
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
user_dir = os.path.expanduser(“~”) + ‘/.ansible_inventory.cfg’)
domain_controller = config.get(‘domain’, ‘domain_controller’)
connect_to_dc_with_ssl= config.getboolean(‘domain’, ‘connect_to_dc_with_ssl’)
query_domain = config.get(‘domain’, ‘query_domain’)
query_user = config.get(‘domain’, ‘query_user’)
query_cred = config.get(‘domain’, ‘query_pass’)
user = query_domain + “\” + query_user
define the server and the connection
TODO see if not doing get_info speeds things up
server = Server(domain_controller, use_ssl=connect_to_dc_with_ssl, get_info=‘ALL’)
TODO remove debug statements
print “showing server information”
print (
TODO determine if it is quicker to use auto_bind=True
#conn = Connection(server, user=“\ldapusr”, password=ldappwd, authentication=NTLM, auto_bind=True)
conn = Connection(server, user=user, password=query_cred, authentication=NTLM)
print(conn)‘CN=Computers, DC=subdomain, DC=yourorg, DC=yourcompany, DC=com’, ‘(objectclass=computer)’, attributes=[“name”,“OperatingSystem”])
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
#pp.pprint (conn.response)
print conn.entries
generate list of all servers (replace ‘HOST’ with something that matches machines you want to be part of inventory
names =
for x in conn.response:
atts = x[‘attributes’]
if ‘operatingSystem’ in atts:
if atts[“operatingSystem”] == ‘Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard’:
if re.match(‘HOST’, atts[‘name’] ):
TODO add group. This ought to be doable via a server naming convention
TODO add vars
hosts = {}
hosts[‘hosts’] = names
var = {‘a’:True}
export = {}
export[‘main_group’] = hosts
export[‘main_group_win’] = hosts
#export[‘vars’] = var