Dynamic inventory from Active Directory?

Is there a way to build a dynamic inventory from Active Directory?

Given you cannot use Windows as a control host fun things like pyad and py32win aren’t going to work to pull stuff out of Active Directory.

Is this a sales point for Tower?

you can query AD as an ldap server, so it should not be hard to make a
script to use it as an inventory source.

That’s a great suggestion Bob.

Given my very limited understading of Ansible I’ve written a few inventory APIs on asp.net web api, and a very simple python script which just gets json data from those api’s (with some optional caching). For now I have apis for building inventories from Azure Resouce Manager and Virtual Machine Manager, which can be found here:

The latter one just invokes PowerShell to query VMM on the server running the web api, so it shouldn’t be too hard to maybe build that into a ad-querying thing instead. I’ll probably have a look at that at some point.

This can be done in any language that has an LDAP library, just query
the domain with "(&(objectClass=computer))" as your search parameter.

Anyone playing around with this look at ldap3:


Not python-ldap. ldap3 has the ability to convert searches into JSON.

Gotten something working but run into a security problem.

How and where do you store the username and password securely for these dynamic inventory scripts/programs?

Looking at the contrib/inventory all the .ini files look to store the credentials in clear text.

In my script can I programmatically extend the ansible-vault functionality so I can at least encrypt the .ini file?

Hello Bob,

I would use a dedicated user without any further permission in the AD. And if the system you are running Ansible on is not secure enough to store this then this is quite a challenge :wink:

But some alternative approach:
I like to use KeePass 2 databases for storing passwords (and other sensitive information). In Python you can use this with libkeepass.
