Having some difficulty finding what is the Ansible code to do this:
Downloading files with a specific regular expression from remote http / https host to a target server local path.
So would like to wget http://remote.com/rpm/app*.rpm to a set of target servers. get_url doesn’t appear to support patterns as per Ansible Documentation. On the other hand, with_fileglob supports regular expressions and patterns but doesn’t work with HTTP.
The recursive (-r) option of wget only downloads files that are ‘visible’.
This works fine for stuff like a web page with indexed directory listings etc.
But anything that is not listed won’t be magically retrieved.
If a site does not contain any links to content that is actually there, wget will not know about it and hence won’t download it.
If wget works, then http://remote.com/rpm must have links to all the files.
So you best bet is to use the ansible command module with said wget options - provided you want to use ansible.
Having said that, maybe you can elaborate on what the underlying task at hand is, and/or share the real/actual URLs etc.
It might be possible to achieve the same thing in a different way.