How we can configure docker_prune to delete docker images with specific name, I have tried something below and it didt worked can you please help us to fix this
Can you please confirm whether the synatx I am using here is correct?
I think it is correct. I've never tried prune by labels, but from
looking at the module's code, docker-py's code and docker CLI's code, I
would expect this to work.
TASK [Run docker_compose_services role] ****************************************
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to have been in '/jenkins/workspace/y_real-time-payments_master-WUPVH7HV2NXJH4IGGIT24TMVMKH2JS77LLYJC2NU762UZQBOUNEQ/roles/deploy_docker_compose_services/tasks/main.yml': line 39, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Remove unused images
^ here
to retry, use: --limit @/jenkins/workspace/y_real-time-payments_master-WUPVH7HV2NXJH4IGGIT24TMVMKH2JS77LLYJC2NU762UZQBOUNEQ/deploy_docker_compose_services.retry
what you are reporting is not a problem with the module, but a syntax
error in writing this Ansible task. The way you posted your task to
this mailing list looked OK, but it appears that the task as used in
your role has a syntax error.