docker_container networking issue

Hi all,

I’ve been fighting this one for a while. adding N containers to a custom network. host1 starts services that listen on 50070. on host1 I can ‘telnet 50070’ and it works. host2 is connected to the same ‘dev’ network, but from host2 connection is refused to host1 on 50070, but ping to host1 works fine. I’ve tried exposing/publishing ports. Although its my understanding inter-container communication on a shared network doesn’t need ports exposed as a requirement.

host: linux mint - 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu

Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec

relevant files:


  • name: Create dev cluster network
    name: dev

  • name: Start docker node images
    image: “test/image”
    name: “host{{ item }}”
    hostname: “host{{ item }}.dev”
    state: started
    privileged: true
    interactive: yes
    restart_policy: always
    exposed_ports: “{{ node_ports }}”
    #published_ports: “{{ node_ports }}”

  • name: dev
    with_sequence: count=3

I have another container started the same way that starts a service on 8080, and all containers can connect to that node/port fine. I’m guessing it has to do with how each service is starting, but i do not control how services are started. any ideas…?


In case someone else runs into this. I added ‘purge_networks’ during the docker_container run and it seems to have fixed the issue. Apparently this removes the container from all other network interfaces.