This is sort of picking up on an exchange I started with Michael on twitter.
I read and was curious about the paramiko piece, specifically if this could be circumvented by finding a repo that would server up a newer version of the ssh client for me.
I’m also just curious in general what is recommended for using ansible both on the host and destination side. I find myself using the latest CentOS6 a lot, but wonder if there’s a better route I should be looking at to ensure speed and efficiency when be managed by ansible.
We have the same problem with CentOS and old openssh.
I found a new version [1] the other day and plan on trying it out, but haven’t had the chance yet. It is from the CentOS CR (continuous release) repo [2].
(So this question was about ControlPersist on Enterprise Linux variants that still have a downlevel openssh.)
If you want to upgrade your openssh client this would indeed allow for ControlPersist on EL. I don’t know of a repo that contains one, though I’d love to see EPEL-newer-versions-of-things-that-are-default-on-EL sometime, and maybe disabled by default
We don’t officially have any recommendations on what you use for managed hosts, and will work with managing basically almost anything. For not needing to do a lot of OS upgrades and having a stable base, both RHEL/CentOS 6 and Ubuntu LTS releases are very very popular here, and also get a large amount of testing.
Fedora and Debian are used to a lesser extent.
Most roles on Galaxy seem to be targeting Ubuntu or RHEL/CentOS right now.
CentOS 6 on the destination side won’t incur any problems as ControlPersist capability is only needed on the client.
The CR released version you mentioned is for version 5.3p1-94. I Just did a quick google search and I believe you need a version 5.6 or better to get ControlPersist, unless RedHat backports the feature. The 94 at the end of the version suggests package has been modified at least 93 times since initial packaging – tweaks, fixes, and backports from RedHat. Looking at the changelog for the source RPM
Le sigh. Thanks Kahlil. I didn’t look at the version. I just assumed that if they were going to go through the trouble of updating they would at least get close to a new version.