I am using ansible to provision a vagrant box that’s running with virtualbox on a centos 6.5 host.
Apparently there is an issue with the config.ssh.forward_agent option.
I am a bit at loss to know if the issue is caused by vagrant or by ansible.
Every time I try to provision I get
fatal: [default] => using -c ssh on certain older ssh versions may not support ControlPersist, set ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS=“” (or ssh_args in [ssh_connection] section of the config file) before running again
I tried both recommendation to no avail and I can’t find any significant difference between that centos box and my machine ubuntu 14.04 in the ssh config.
It works perfectly fine on my machine.
Is this because ssh on centos 6.5 is in version 5.3 with fix backport ?
Does anyone has any experience with vagrant and ansible on centos ?
Since you are using CentOS as a control machine you will want to select paramiko as a transport or set the ssh arguments in ansible.cfg
I’m not sure how far Vagrant complicates this, as this isn’t the Vagrant list, but there are plenty of users here that could probably help answer that question.
CentOS 6.x doesnt support ControlPersist, so it will use paramiko.
I installed CentOS 7 to use as my Ansible deploy VM just for this
feature, speeds
things up on our 30 node / 50 role stack significantly.
Excellent, accelerated mode would have also been a good answer for 6.5 - though I definitely prefer the native SSH transport when possible.
Switch on pipelining if you haven’t already, it should approximately double in speed again (search for pipelining in ansible.cfg)
Michael DeHaan wrote:
Excellent, accelerated mode would have also been a good answer for 6.5 -
though I definitely prefer the native SSH transport when possible.
My Centos 6 control machine has an updated ssh client, built from the Fedora ssh rpm (the server side has been left as is).
However that was a stop gap measure, and I'll replace it with a Centos 7 box when I get some round tuits.
I had the same problem earlier, and updated yum update openssh, issue has been resolved.