Distribution Package Maintainers Introductions

We now have a Distribution Package Maintainers group on the forum. This group is for distribution package maintainers of ansible, ansible-core, collections, and other Ansible ecosystem projects.

Distribution package maintainers, please introduce yourselves below. What distribution(s) do you contribute to? Which Ansible-related packages do you maintain? What challenges do you face? Specify whether you’d like to join the Distribution Package Maintainers group. We’d be happy to have you!


I have added @aheath1992 of Fedora Linux, @Antiz of Arch Linux, and @nirik of Fedora Linux. Welcome! Feel free to continue the discussion below! You’ll get notified for first posts in Topics tagged distro-packaging. You can customize your notification settings if you don’t want that.


Welcome indeed folks :wave:, glad to have you here (and thanks @gotmax23 for setting up the group)! Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you from the admin side :slight_smile:

@gotmax23 if it makes more sense for you, you’re welcome to change the group config to “request access” which will allow people to just click a button if they want to join (you still get to approve it).


Hi, My name is Andrew Heath, I am a Senior Systems Administrator at Red Hat, I help maintain Ansible Automation Platform for Red Hat IT. I help out with the Fedora Infrastructure team maintaining critical infrastructure. Currently I Maintain the ansible-collection-awx-awx RPM and have other Ansible collections and tools in the works to be packaged.



For brevity, my introduction is in that other thread:

I was otherwise formerly in the Ansible community team and did things like shipping the ansible package to PyPI and helping with Fedora’s transition from Ansible 2.9, amongst other things.

Nowadays I help with the packaging and maintenance of various Ansible things.

Happy to be a member of the group if you will have me :slight_smile:


Welcome @rfc2549! I have added you to the group. I appreciate your help with the Fedora ansible packages and work on ara.


I think I’ll try this approach for now, as it’s a bit more personal and allows folks to identify/introduce themselves, but we can consider that for the future :slightly_smiling_face: .

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Quick intro from me: I’m Kevin Fenzi, I’ve been around basically forever now. :wink: I started maintaining ansible in Fedora/EPEL around ansible 1.0 (2013). My day job is Fedora Infrastructure, where we have been using ansible since it’s existed basically. I’m pretty busy these days, but happy to help out as I can.


Hi, I’m Deric. I’ve been helping out with the Ansible in Launchpad PPAs for a couple of years now. Feel free to add me to the group.


Welcome, Deric! I’ve added you to the group.


This is great, happy to see Fedora, Arch and Ubuntu already on board!

@gotmax23 may I suggest a section in the group description with the distro each is covering? I think it would be useful to list what distributions are being covered by the group and putting a “face” to each of them.

ps. Great to see you here @deric.crago! :tada:


That’s a good idea. It seems the group description view does not properly create links for @ mentions, but I guess I can do it manually. I’ll add that later.

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Reporting that to CDCK, thanks!


Done! I’ve edited the description.


Hi everyone, thanks for having me! :smile:

My name’s Robin Candau, I’m a french Linux system and DevOps engineer passionate by skate, music, (craft) beer and, obviously, Linux!

I’m also an Arch Linux Package Maintainer.
Packages I maintain include ansible, ansible-core, ansible-lint, ansible-bender, ansible-language-server, ansible-compat and molecule.

I’m using ansible on a daily basis for various tasks, both at work and for personal stuff, so I’m really happy to contribute back to it by maintaining a few of the related packages!


Hi all, Johannes here, maintainer for Ansible, ansible-lint and other Ansible-related packages at openSUSE.

In addition to Ansible stuff I maintain a lot of cloud-native packages for openSUSE.

johanneskastl on Github, codeberg or Gitlab.
@johanneskastl@digitalcourage.social on Mastodon.

Nice to see a group for packagers!

Have a lot of fun!



Welcome, Johannes! I have added you to the group.

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We now have folks from Fedora, Arch Linux, the Ubuntu PPA, and OpenSUSE! That’s great! If you have anything to discuss, feel free to create a topic tagged with distro-packaging. Otherwise, feel free to explore the forum and turn on your Distribution Packager flair.