Hi, I need to install some packages across different Linux distros (mainly CentOS/Redhat and Ubuntu right now). However, since there isn’t a unified package manager (at least not bundled with core), I’m trying to find the best way to do this.
I understand that we can use something like ‘when: ansible_os_family == “RedHat”’ or the like, but when we have 400 CentOS hosts and 200 Ubuntu hosts, that’s a lot of “skipping” messages (I’m aware these can also be suppressed in the main config file). We have playbooks that run against certain groups of hosts (these groups can contain multiple distros), so I’m not sure that using group_by is the best option either as, from my understanding, I’d have to have a ‘group_by’ in each of those playbooks and for each distro.
For example, we have an ‘ntp’ role which basically just installs the ntp package, drops in the ntp config using template and ensures it’s started (we have similar roles for snmp, ssmtp etc.).
I came across a previous post with an answer from Michael DeHaan suggesting using the following action (although Michael does state that it’s a bad idea), however, this no longer appears to work;
“I understand that we can use something like ‘when: ansible_os_family == “RedHat”’ or the like, but when we have 400 CentOS hosts and 200 Ubuntu hosts, that’s a lot of “skipping” messages”
Yep, I know of the group_by module, but the way I understand it, this would require me to have a separate task for each distro that has a different package manager. Also since we have things arranged into roles which are called by playbooks split by, let’s say, ‘departments’, I’d have to add the group_by for each distro into each playbook and move the tasks into those playbooks (rather than calling a role, unless I also split the roles by OS which makes things even less cleaner).
At the moment, my playbooks just look like this, as an example;
I’ve found a library written by someone that does what I was hoping here:- https://github.com/mantiz/ansible-library-pkgmgr but I didn’t really want to go down the route of using libraries that may not be supported or become unusable in future versions of ansible.
However, since there isn't a unified package manager (at least not bundled with core), I'm trying to find the best way to do this.
I user dynamic groups and group variables to abstract the differences: put files Ubuntu / Suse / Linux / SunOS / AIX / what_ever in group_vars/*. Example:
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Herbert Vogel
Geschäftsführung: Michael Krüger
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Halle/Saale
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stendal | Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 208414
UST-ID-Nr. DE 158253683
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This doesn’t work for me, see original post, it results in an error (using ansible version 1.6.10). And from previous posts, it seems it’s not recommended to use this method.
EDIT: just tried this using 1.7 and it does work again. Just a bit cautious of using this approach against the advice from Michael regarding using {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} in this way
The error using 1.6.10 was as below (see original post);
TASK: [ntp | Ensure NTP is Installed] *****************************************
<XX.XX.XX.XX> REMOTE_MODULE {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=ntp state=present
fatal: [XX.XX.XX.XX] => module {{ not found in /usr/share/ansible/system:/usr/share/ansible/commands:/usr/share/ansible/messaging:/usr/share/ansible/cloud:/usr/share/ansible/notification:/usr/share/ansible/net_infrastructure:/usr/share/ansible/inventory:/usr/share/ansible/utilities:/usr/share/ansible/internal:/usr/share/ansible/files:/usr/share/ansible/packaging:/usr/share/ansible/database:/usr/share/ansible/source_control:/usr/share/ansible/network:/usr/share/ansible/web_infrastructure:/usr/share/ansible/monitoring:/usr/share/ansible