Hi all!
A little introduction for context: I'm a college/employee of Ramon de la Fuente, and we both maintain the f500.* roles in Galaxy. So when I refer to "our module", that's the same module as the one Ramon refers to.
I'd like to sum up my thoughts on the discussion so far:
- We choose to use the same directory layout as Capistrano does:
/opt/base/current -> /opt/base/releases/{timestamp}
"shared" is used for stuff that needs to survive a deploy (uploads, etc).
The main reason we chose this is because it will be familiar to people who have used Capistrano. Plus we didn't see anything wrong with this layout, it suits our needs perfectly.
We could make the exact file/directory names configurable though.
- I agree we need something to create a consistent timestamp (or whatever) to be used on all hosts.
And this probably doesn't have to be a timestamp. The reason we choose a timestamp is because it helps determine which releases should be cleaned up. We can simple order them and keep the latest X.
I suspect it should be possible to stat those directories for a creation-date, and use them for the cleanup. The directory name itself can then be whatever you like (unix timestamp, yyyymmddhhmmss style timestamp, commit hash, uuid, etc).
- Our current role also sets some facts, which are really convenient to have around:
base_path: <must be provided through a required option>
current_symlink: <base_path>/current
releases_path: <base_path>/releases
shared_path: <base_path>/shared
current_release: <the release-timestamp/whatever that current_symlink points to>
current_release_path: <base_path>/releases/<current_release>
new_release: <the given/generated release-timestamp/whatever>
new_release_path: <base_path>/releases/<new_release>
unfinished_file: BUILD_UNFINISHED
I'd like the core module to have these as well. Any thoughts on additions or changes are more than welkom!
- The cleanup process we use is 2-fold: First we remove any releases that still contain the BUILD_UNFINISHED file. Next we remove any releases that exceed a configurable amount (keep 5 releases for example).
This 2-fold process is very important to us, because we don't want to accidentally fail 5 releases in a row and have the cleanup process remove any older releases, therefor be left with only broken releases. The releases that are kept must be successful ones.
And, we don't have this yet, but I think the cleanup should never remove the active release (the one the symlink points to), even if it's considered old). So it has to safeguard that.