deploying with ansible

All clear. It was a bit presumptuous to make a guide but I felt the amount of explanation needed for the module’s concepts where out of place in the module itself (not being actual parameters or examples). I’ll reformat and remove the guide.

Would the tests also fall under the strange precedent category?


As for tests, definitely not - integration tests submitted with modules are great to have.

I have updated the module to contain more documentation. There where a bit more formatting options in the “Examples” section so most of the text was moved there.
Let me know if this is more along the lines of what you had in mind.

Just wanted to express my thanks for Ramon’s and his colleague’s work and of course Michael’s on this one.

We’ve been successfully using this module since it first got published (3+ months) to do fairly complex deploys (dropped Capistrano in favor of this). Because of the initial version had some limitations, we’ve had to apply some customizations of our own, but not quite like Ramon’s PR.

Will go and see if we can replace our work with your PR and come back with possible suggestions :slight_smile: