Hi there!
For context: I’m a university student, we’re trying to develop a program, that will deploy a whole virtual environment (different virtual machines, a gitlab server, alfresco, nginx etc) and using the built up infrastructure, it’ll generate activity based on real life scenarios like commits, pushes, user creation. We need this virtual environment for advanced penetration testing and security training purposes, so it should probably be a pseudo realistic “playground”.
My question is pretty simple, how can I use the built in gitlab_user module ? There are a few examples in the documentation, but it gives me an error of
“gitlab_user is not a valid attribute for a Play”
It might be because I’m trying to run it within a playbook, I think I can give it arguments when passing it as a terminal command. But I cant find any references to using it from the terminal.
Also, as I understand it lets me create or update a user, when I first try to use the gitlab site, it prompts me to change the default password of the user ‘root’, can I change that with the ansible module ?
I’m on Linux mint, and the server’s running on a Xubuntu machine.
I might have more questions down the line, sorry if the question is kinda messy, this is the first time I’m using a google group Thank you in advance!!