deploy VM from template and customize guest

I am trying to deploy VM from VM template with ansible. I got the playbook to deploy the VM. but how do I customize the guest:

I need to

  1. rename the guest name to VM name
  2. join domain
  3. put it in an specific OU

any udea?

Ive done this by using the customization argument of the vmware_guest module to join the domain. but prior to vmware_guest i use a win_domain_computer delegated to a windows utility box to prestage the computer object in the right ou

I got a customization template in vcenter. how do I specify using that template. Also the template looks like will override my static IP settings on my Vms.

for ansible, is there a reverse order to detroy the vms after the vm playbook has been run like terraform? Or do I need to create another playbook to destroy the vms?

I’ll assume you are refering to Custom Specs within vCenter :

You can use the following:

So you want to do something like Terraform init / plan & Apply and once finished you want to do a Terraform Destroy?

No Ansible doesn’t do State Files

These are the two plays I use to do what you were asking about:

  • name: Ensure Computer Object exists in AD
    name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}’
    dns_hostname: ‘{{ inventory_hostname }}’
    domain_server: domaincontroller.fqdn
    sam_account_name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}$’
    ou: ‘{{ AD_OU }}’
    description: ‘{{ owner_email }}’
    enabled: yes
    state: present
    delegate_to: utilityserver.fqdn

  • name: Clone to VM from Template
    hostname: ‘{{ vsphere_hostname }}’
    username: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “VMWARE_USER”) }}’
    password: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “VMWARE_PASSWORD”) }}’
    validate_certs: no
    folder: ‘{{ vmware_folder }}’
    annotation: “{{ owner_email }}”
    datacenter: ‘{{ vmware_datacenter }}’
    name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}’
    cluster: ‘{{ vmware_cluster }}’
    state: poweredon
    template: ‘{{ vmware_template }}’
    datastore: ‘{{ vmware_datastore }}’
    domainadmin: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”) }}’
    domainadminpassword: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD”) }}’
    joindomain: domain.fqdn
    password: ‘{{ templatepwd }}’
    timezone: 004

  • size_gb: 100
    type: thin

  • size_gb: 100
    type: thin
    memory_mb: ‘{{ vmware_mem }}’
    num_cpus: ‘{{ vmware_cpu }}’
    scsi: paravirtual
    hotadd_cpu: True
    hotremove_cpu: True
    hotadd_memory: True
    boot_firmware: “efi”

  • name: ‘{{ vmware_network }}’
    ip: ‘{{ ipv4 }}’
    netmask: ‘’
    gateway: ‘{{ ipv4_gateway }}’
    device_type: vmxnet3

  • ‘{{ dns_primary }}’

  • ‘{{ dns_secondary }}’
    wait_for_ip_address: yes
    wait_for_customization: yes
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: deploy

Thank you. So for the customization part, i didnt see a mention of the name of the customization template in vcenter.

so ansible does not use that ?

I’m not using a customization template, but it may be possible - I think that’s what David Foley was referencing.

Check out customization_spec within the vmware_guest module

You can use the method im using OR you can call customization_spec



domainadmin: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”) }}’
domainadminpassword: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD”) }}’

joindomain: domain.fqdn

what does this mean?

lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”

are you manually putting the username and password in the answer file?

Can this be encrypted

ok I was able to use the customization_spec to join the machine to the domain

But how do I assign the statistic IP to the server?

my host file looks like this before using the customization_spec

prod-k8s-worker01 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #01
prod-k8s-worker02 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #02
#prod-k8s-worker03 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #03
#prod-k8s-worker04 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #04
#prod-k8s-worker05 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #05

and in my roles file


  • name: ‘{{ guest_network }}’
    ip: ‘{{ guest_custom_ip }}’
    netmask: ‘{{ guest_netmask }}’
    gateway: ‘{{ guest_gateway }}’
  • ‘{{ guest_dns_server }}’
    domain : ‘{{ guest_domain_name }}’
    hostname: '{{ inventory_hostname }}

I guess I cannot use the values in my roles file when using customization_spec?

can i get some help w this? My account to join the domain keeps getting locked out.

This password has spaces in it
like this
“This is my pa$$w0rd!”

but account keeps getting locked out