I am trying to deploy VM from VM template with ansible. I got the playbook to deploy the VM. but how do I customize the guest:
I need to
- rename the guest name to VM name
- join domain
- put it in an specific OU
any udea?
I am trying to deploy VM from VM template with ansible. I got the playbook to deploy the VM. but how do I customize the guest:
I need to
any udea?
Ive done this by using the customization argument of the vmware_guest module to join the domain. but prior to vmware_guest i use a win_domain_computer delegated to a windows utility box to prestage the computer object in the right ou
I got a customization template in vcenter. how do I specify using that template. Also the template looks like will override my static IP settings on my Vms.
for ansible, is there a reverse order to detroy the vms after the vm playbook has been run like terraform? Or do I need to create another playbook to destroy the vms?
I’ll assume you are refering to Custom Specs within vCenter :
You can use the following: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/vmware_guest_module.html
So you want to do something like Terraform init / plan & Apply and once finished you want to do a Terraform Destroy?
No Ansible doesn’t do State Files
These are the two plays I use to do what you were asking about:
name: Ensure Computer Object exists in AD
name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}’
dns_hostname: ‘{{ inventory_hostname }}’
domain_server: domaincontroller.fqdn
sam_account_name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}$’
ou: ‘{{ AD_OU }}’
description: ‘{{ owner_email }}’
enabled: yes
state: present
delegate_to: utilityserver.fqdn
name: Clone to VM from Template
hostname: ‘{{ vsphere_hostname }}’
username: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “VMWARE_USER”) }}’
password: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “VMWARE_PASSWORD”) }}’
validate_certs: no
folder: ‘{{ vmware_folder }}’
annotation: “{{ owner_email }}”
datacenter: ‘{{ vmware_datacenter }}’
name: ‘{{ inventory_hostname_short }}’
cluster: ‘{{ vmware_cluster }}’
state: poweredon
template: ‘{{ vmware_template }}’
datastore: ‘{{ vmware_datastore }}’
domainadmin: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”) }}’
domainadminpassword: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD”) }}’
joindomain: domain.fqdn
password: ‘{{ templatepwd }}’
timezone: 004
size_gb: 100
type: thin
size_gb: 100
type: thin
memory_mb: ‘{{ vmware_mem }}’
num_cpus: ‘{{ vmware_cpu }}’
scsi: paravirtual
hotadd_cpu: True
hotremove_cpu: True
hotadd_memory: True
boot_firmware: “efi”
name: ‘{{ vmware_network }}’
ip: ‘{{ ipv4 }}’
netmask: ‘’
gateway: ‘{{ ipv4_gateway }}’
device_type: vmxnet3
‘{{ dns_primary }}’
‘{{ dns_secondary }}’
wait_for_ip_address: yes
wait_for_customization: yes
delegate_to: localhost
register: deploy
Thank you. So for the customization part, i didnt see a mention of the name of the customization template in vcenter.
so ansible does not use that ?
I’m not using a customization template, but it may be possible - I think that’s what David Foley was referencing.
Check out customization_spec within the vmware_guest module https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/vmware_guest_module.html
You can use the method im using OR you can call customization_spec
domainadmin: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”) }}’
domainadminpassword: ‘{{ lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_PASSWORD”) }}’
joindomain: domain.fqdn
what does this mean?
lookup(“env”, “ANSIBLE_NET_USERNAME”
are you manually putting the username and password in the answer file?
Can this be encrypted
ok I was able to use the customization_spec to join the machine to the domain
But how do I assign the statistic IP to the server?
my host file looks like this before using the customization_spec
prod-k8s-worker01 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #01’
prod-k8s-worker02 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #02’
#prod-k8s-worker03 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #03’
#prod-k8s-worker04 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #04’
#prod-k8s-worker05 deploy_vsphere_datastore=‘RW-VA-NIM-VOL9’ guest_custom_ip=‘’ guest_notes=‘Worker #05’
and in my roles file
I guess I cannot use the values in my roles file when using customization_spec?
can i get some help w this? My account to join the domain keeps getting locked out.
This password has spaces in it
like this
“This is my pa$$w0rd!”
but account keeps getting locked out