Deleting a windows file

I would like to see if there is a similar command in windows to the wait_for module. I’m deleting a file and would like the playbook to not copy over the new file until it’s complete. Perhaps there’s a different Windows module that can do this, but I didn’t see one in the list. Thanks.

Hey Chris

There isn’t one in the main codebase right now but there is a PR that adds the module. You PR is and if you do decide to test this out it would be great to share your results on that page. That being said the win_file and win_copy modules should be able to do what you are looking for. Without seeing your playbook and setup I can’t tell but when you delete a file with win_file or copy a file with win_copy it should only exit once the process is complete.



I can delete the file with win_file. If it doesn’t move on to the next command before finishing then it should be fine. Thanks for the link.