delegate_to with target server's context?

Hi all
I need to trigger an action (generating a file using template) on another server during a play run. Naturally I used delegation. However, if I use variables like ansible_hostname I get the values from the original host. That’s indeed what I would expect on most cases, but is there a way to use the “context” of the target server?

Example playbook:

  • hosts: source
  • debug: var=ansible_hostname
    delegate_to: target

What I get:

TASK: [debug var=ansible_hostname] ********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“ansible_hostname”: “source”

What I want to get:

TASK: [debug var=ansible_hostname] ********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“ansible_hostname”: “target”


There’s no magic variable for this presently.

If you’d like to work on it, or submit a feature idea ticket, a variable like “delegated_host” could be added.