DEFAULT_GATHER_TIMEOUT deprecated - alternatives?

I’m seeing this message on running my playbooks:

[DEPRECATION WARNING]: DEFAULT_GATHER_TIMEOUT option, the module_defaults keyword is a more generic version and can apply to all calls to the M(ansible.builtin.gather_facts) or M(ansible.builtin.setup) actions, use module_defaults instead. This feature will be removed from ansible-core in version 2.18. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.

I’d like to “do things the right way” and prepare for new Ansible versions, but I’m struggling to decide how to update my config/playbooks. It seems like using module_defaults requires updating all of my playbooks, whereas I can set gather_timeout in [defaults] on my ansible.cfg. We use this, for example, to swap in a “slow config” when deploying to systems with slow network connections. I don’t want to have to build a “slow config” version of each of my dozens of playbooks.

I see there was some discussion in the Google Group at but it didn’t really go anywhere.

You do have to update all your playbooks, but if you plan ahead, you won’t have to make a “slow config” version of each of your playbooks. The following scheme seems to work, although I have done extremely limited testing:

# gather-test.yml
- name: Experiment with gather_timeout
  hosts: all
      gather_timeout: '{{ gather_timeout | default(10) }}'
    - name: Show each host's gather_timeout
        msg: '{{ gather_timeout | default("(defaulted to 10)") }}'

Now you can set a “gather_timeout” variable in your group_vars, host_vars, or your inventory for hosts or groups that need a value other than the default.

Doing that removes your need to “swap in a ‘slow config’” ansible.cfg for those hosts. They should just do the Right Thing from then on.

If you really plan ahead — and I’m kicking myself for not thinking of this before I modified all of our playbooks — you can create another playbook that uses ansible.builtin.blockinfile to maintain your “global” module_defaults (not necessarily limited to ansible.builtin.setup either) across all your playbooks. That way you’re prepared the next time a change in Ansible or your own policies or whatever necessitates such sweeping changes.

Thanks! Still a shame to need to update playbooks, but it’s good to at least have a somewhat clean way to do it, and not need to create duplicate copies of all the playbooks.

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Kind of a meta-comment: What I’m really curious about is why your post from February 23 would be popping up in my feed in mid-July. I’m glad it did, because it gave me the incentive to do the experiment I’m been putting of for a long time now, so I have a way forward I’m more comfortable with. Still, why now?