debug output for task

Hi team,
i have this playbook:


any ideas?

Hi team,
i have this playbook:

- hosts: "{{ leaf_name }}"
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local


  - name: "leaf_name"
    prompt: "Enter switch hostname/ip"
    private: no
  - name: "vlan_id"
    prompt: "Enter access vlan for L2 ACCESS setup (example 10)"
    private: no

      username: admin
      password: password
      transport: cli


  - name: Checking configuration for vlan {{ vlan_id }}
    ignore_errors: true
      commands: show vlan id {{ vlan_id }}
      provider: "{{ cli }}"
    register: output

  - debug: var=output.stdout_lines
  - debug:
      msg="Looks like switch {{ leaf_name }} has no vlan {{ vlan_id }}."
    when: output.stdout_lines is not defined

output.stdout_lines is always defined so this will never run.

The questions is: i want to get output if van exist and get message "Looks
like switch {{ leaf_name }} has no vlan {{ vlan_id }}" if it doesn't.
What i must add to this playbook ?

Hard to say, I have never used the nxos_command.
It's always a good idea to provide the content of your output variable, because then you can get help from people that haven't used that module.