I’ve created two modules-- one in Python and one in PowerShell for each of my remote machines. Of course, as expected, the Python one can run only on the remote Linux and the PowerShell-written module can only be used on the remote Windows system.
I understand that Python modules can’t be run on Windows because winRM will only accept PowerShell modules. However, I managed to connect my remote Windows server to my Linux control client via SSH. Ansible picks it up perfectly and I haven’t run into any issues despite it being an experimental feature. This still causes me errors and the python module doesn’t run the same way it does on Linux. Why? Is there anything else I could try so that my custom Python module can be run on both OS’s? I know that there are some modules from ansible-core that can be run on both systems-- how can I do that with my custom modules?
If running a custom python module on windows is a big no-no, how can I get my custom PowerShell module to run on Linux? I know that modules can be written in any language, but why can’t Linux take in the PowerShell module? Are there some changes or settings that I can set to make to instruct ansible to use PowerShell in Linux? I also have PowerShell downloaded on that remote linux machine.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! This will save me a lot of time just creating one module instead of two for my two remote systems.