CredSSP error on windows machine - ansible

Hi Folks.,

I’m trying to run playbooks on win2016 after enabling enable-credssp on remote machine and other prerequisite and mentioned ansible_winrm_transport as credssp

but now I’m facing this error from ansible

“msg”: “credssp: Received error status from the server: (3221225819) UNKOWN_STATUS 0xc000015b”,

The error you have is 0xc000015b which according to means it does not have the necessary rights to log on. WinRM requires the SeNetworkLogonRight

Make sure the account has that right or is in a group that has that right. Also check that it has not been explicitly denied this logon right with the deny right.



Hi Jordan,

It actually worked when I passed the user account with domain name in front but I will check with above links about its behaviour . Thanks

Sounds like there is a local user with that username as well but glad you have it working.