Creation of AWX execution node failed

Hi, could you try redeploying execution node by following step-by-step instruction?

  1. On execution node, remove incorrect sshd configuration
    1. Make your sshd to stop using 27199
    2. Ensure 27199 is NOT used by any process: netstat -tlpn | grep 27199
  2. On execution node, stop and remove existing Receptor configuration
    1. Stop Receptor: sudo systemctl stop receptor
    2. Remove configuration files including certs: sudo rm -rf /etc/receptor
  3. On execution node, allow inbound TCP traffic sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=27199/tcp --permanent, sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  4. On AWX, remove your execution node
  5. On AWX, add new execution node
    1. Name has to be resolvable by DNS and reachable from AWX
    2. Select execution as node type
    3. Explicitly specify port number: 27199
    4. Check the Peers from control nodes
  6. On AWX, download install bundle for your execution node
  7. On execution node, install receptor using this bundle
  8. On execution node, restart Receptor: sudo systemctl restart receptor

Then check the status on AWX. If it is not in Ready, check following configuration:

  1. On execution node, ensure your configuration file contains tcp-listener: sudo cat /etc/receptor/receptor.conf
  2. On execution node, ensure Receptor is up and running: sudo systemctl status receptor
  3. On execution node, check the logs: sudo tail -n 100 /var/log/receptor/receptor.log
  4. On K8s, ensure the configuration file contains tcp-peer: kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it deployment/<awx-name>-task -c <awx-name>-ee -- cat /etc/receptor/receptor.conf
  5. On K8s, check the logs: kubectl -n <namespace> logs deployment/<awx-name>-task -c <awx-name>-ee --tail=100