I’m currently trying to create a EE for AWX and I’m experiencing some issues.
i’ve download awx-ee environement for base (https://github.com/ansible/awx-ee)
And I’vejust added in requirements.txt the netaddr module I need.
Hey there, since you’re doing a manual build using docker my first guess is that it could be a versioning issue to me.
What versions of python, netaddr, and ipaddr you have?
First thanks to you two for answering me.
I’ve changed my building method by using ansible-builder.
Then I push to quay.io with podman push and it works !
Here the steps I followed :
Clone git repository of awx-ee locally.
Changed requirements (.txt, ;yml and bindep for packages)
Comment out EE_BASE_IMAGE: ‘quay.io/ansible/ansible-runner:latest’ in execution-environment.yml file because ansible-runner refuse it. (why ? I don’t know…)