I’ve been trying to move a folder and its contents to another path,
after a few tries and a couple of googles, I found that it can’t be done
just using file or copy modules, rather command or synchronize modules,
which is not an elegant way of get this simple job done.
I propose a flag in either file or copy modules (someone more experienced
will have a better idea) to recursively copy the folder and it’s files to the desired
destination. I can implement and send the pull request myself, as long as a maintainer
shows interest in the feature.
What do you guys say?
Best regards,
I've been trying to move a folder and its contents to another path,
after a few tries and a couple of googles, I found that it can't be done
just using file or copy modules, rather command or synchronize modules,
which is not an elegant way of get this simple job done.
I propose a flag in either file or copy modules (someone more experienced
will have a better idea) to recursively copy the folder and it's files to
the desired
destination. I can implement and send the pull request myself, as long as a
shows interest in the feature.
What do you guys say?
Are you trying to move or copy? These would be explicitly different
operations and I suspect would garner different feedback. I'm guessing
you mean "move" based on subject line but you then suggest a recursive
copy for implementation so I wanted to clarify.