Connect two AWX


Hi everyone,

I have an AWX installed in each data center and I need to link those two AWS to be able to execute their tasks. Someone can explain me how can I do this please?

Task 1 Task 2

The thing is that I need to create a workflow with two tasks created in different AWX

Thanks in advance!

This is not currently supported in AWX. You could create a job on one AWX and have it trigger a job elsewhere, but there’s currently no Federation support for multiple clusters.

With Ansible Tower is not possible to do that?

No, there’s currently no federation support like this.

But he should be able to do this with one cluster right? if he has cross-dc connectivity. From my understanding, he’s requirements are purely geographical, he doesn’t really need 2 clusters.
So 1 cluster with an instance group with 2 instances, each in it’s own datacenter should do the trick.

We generally don’t recommend cross-DC cluster nodes due to the latency between them. High latency connections can cause issues.