conflicting action statements: shell, async

Hello, i installed ansible 2.7.10 with pip.

Extract from the playbook :



  • name: stop the host
    shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -h now “Ansible updates triggered”
    async: 1
    poll: 0
    ignore_errors: true



when i run :


ansible-playbook playbook.yml --syntax-check


I have this error :

ERROR! conflicting action statements: shell, async

I find this issue in ansible github repository :

But i don’t understand what he means when he says “the search path that ansible uses to find modules”.

Thanks for you help. :wink:

This should show 'configured paths' for searching for a module
`ansible -m debug -a 'msg={{ lookup("config", "DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH")
}}' localhhost`, to this you need to add any library/ directories in
your roles or adjacent to your playbooks.