Configure vcsa file based backups with vmware_vcenter_settings

I’m using community.vmware.vmware_deploy_ovf to deploy vCenter VCSA and vmware_vcenter_settings to configure most of the appliance settings with decent success. Even using some modules from vmware.vmware_rest collection. However, I cannot find any way to configured the vcsa appliance file based backups (such as to an NFS server). This is a fairly standard configuration. I would think this would be part of the vmware_vcenter_settings module. Any suggestions?

I don’t think this is possible at the moment. I’m not sure what’s the best place to implement this. There are three VMware collections at the moment that I know: community.vmware, vmware.vmware_rest and the new vmware.vmware collection.

This collection isn’t part of the Ansible community package (yet) but vcsa_settings looks like a good module to do this.

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